Year 4

I couldn’t wait to go camping with the year 4’s to Forest Edge camp, after all, learning bush survival skills is a big part of a soldiers job. I had some indoor practice with the Pre-Primary’s last week but this was the real thing!

The year 4’s wrote a very detailed entry in my journal all about our adventure.

In term 2 all the year 4’s went to Forest Edge on Camp. We were so lucky we got to take Teddy Bourne with us. On the bus Teddy played I Spy with Charli and Mia. After a lot of rounds with Teddy Bourne winning we went on with a fashion show. Teddy Bourne put on lots of awesome gear but the one that stood out the most was the gangster gear and he also put on Mr Souter’s glasses.


When we got to camp we had recess that we had to bring ourselves. Then we had free time and most of the kids chatted or played a ball sport. Then we had lunch which was rolls with veges. Half an hour later we got our hats and water bottles out ready for our ‘get ready for activities dance’.

When we woke up the next morning at 6.30am we had to pack straight away. Teddy Bourne helped everyone pack. We had pancakes and cereal and then we did low ropes. Teddy did really well. After a quick lunch we had to leave. On the bus on the way back, Teddy sat with Jorja and Mia and played I Spy and told stories. We really loved having Teddy Bourne come on camp with us.

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(08) 9253 5300

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