We want to make sure all children get the best education possible which is why attending school every day is so important.
Daily attendance is compulsory and this supports teachers and students in maximising learning outcomes.
Developing the habit of going to school every day is vital so children do not miss out on important ideas and skills they need for future learning.
Did you know:
You can help by arriving and collecting your children on time; making sure they get nutritious meals and enough sleep; and making appointments with doctors, dentists and specialists, and making holiday plans during school holidays and not during the school term.
If one of your children is unwell and unable to go to school, let the school know straight away. If they miss a day it is important you talk with their teacher to find out how you can help them catch up. If your child cannot attend school because of their mental or physical health contact your school to see what options are available for your child.
Parents are advised that the school requires to be notified of all absence explanations including appointments, vacations and lates by 9.00am each morning, indicating your child is not at school. Students who arrive late or return to school after an appointment etc will still require to sign in at the front office and take a card to their class teacher.
MGM Outreach SMS System
Text Only: 0437 783 622
Swanbourne Primary School will be using the Short Messaging System (SMS) MessageU to communicate student unexplained absences to parents/guardians. All absences are recorded by classroom teachers before 9.30am. Rolls are electronically marked. Once rolls are completed the communication system will automatically send a text message to parent/guardian mobile phones when your child is absent from school (in the instance that an explanation has not been received).
The system generated message will be similar to: “Swanbourne PS records show that John Citizen is absent Wed 20/09/2022. Please reply SMS or call 9253 5300 to advise reason.”
Alternatively please call the school on 9253 5300 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
If your child is so unwell he/she needs individual care and attention, please keep him/her at home. Your consideration for other children’s health is appreciated. An email or telephone call to the school would be appreciated if your child is going to be absent for a few days, particularly if it is due to an infectious condition.