Early Childhood Learning

Early Childhood Learning

In developing our curriculum for the early years, we are guided by the following beliefs and attitudes.

  • Children learn through a balance of structured play, exploration and explicit teaching
  • Children develop and learn at different rates and in different ways
  • Learning is continuous and all areas of a child's development are interrelated
  • Early experiences can have a profound impact upon learning and attitude for children in their later years of schooling

Please click on the link above to our Early Childhood Philosophy

Young children are connected to family, community, culture and place.  Their learning takes place through these relationships.  As children participate in everyday life, they develop interest and construct their own identities and understandings of the world.

Early Childhood Australia’s Play Statement booklet please click here

Early Learning Environments

Educators plan and establish positive, vibrant and challenging intellectual, social and emotional and physical environments that promote a sense of wonder, curiosity and imagination and support risk-taking within a safe and inclusive context.  The learning environment has a sense of predictability and allows for flexibility to cater for children's different learning requirement

Relationships & Partnerships

Relationships are key to all educational endeavours.  Partnerships involve children, families, communities, educators and other professionals working collaboratively to provide optimal learning opportunities for active engagement and participation.  Educators purposefully engage partners in children's learning, by providing a variety of opportunities for others to contribute to children's learning.

Balanced Content

The quality of interactions and the thoughtful implementation of balanced content in experiences, assists children in attaining knowledge, skills, attitudes and dispositions that are a base for future learning.

Context & Strategies for Learning

Educators plan a variety of contexts, strategies and multi-modal experiences to engage children and to foster their participation and learning. These include, but are not limited to, play, small group and some whole group interactions, intentional teaching, inquiry, real life experiences, transitions and routines. As play is a primary medium for children's learning, educators plan how they will structure, use and support play experiences. Educators use transitions and routines as learning opportunities and to support children's increasing independence.

Child Participation

An effective early childhood curriculum supports the active participation of all children. Learning experiences are presented in ways that children can make choices and use different processes to complete where more than one solution is possible. The environment is constructed to encourage and allow children to be as independent as possible.



Swanbourne Primary School
Narla Road, Swanbourne WA 6010
(08) 9253 5300

Copyright 2018 Swanbourne Primary School