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  • Teddy Bourne

My role here at school is to help kids understand what life is like for Australian soldiers and their families.  My job as a Trooper in the ADF helps me to do that.

It can be very difficult for defence students when Mums or Dads go away for their work. At times it can be for long periods and sometimes they have to go without having much notice at all.  Sometimes kids feel scared or worried because they don’t know where their parent is or what they are doing. It is very hard to imagine a place you have never seen!

On my trips away with the army I experience first-hand what the other soldiers do. I send photos and letters back to the school so kids can get an inside look at what goes on.  Taking the mystery away can make it a lot less scary to imagine what Mum or Dad are up to.

Having me around can help students find the courage to speak up and discuss how they are feeling with friends and teachers.

Being an ADF kid can mean lots of moving around the country. Starting a new school can be hard at first. I can help friendships blossom when students interact with me in their games and share me around for lots of cuddles

This year the students of Swanbourne Primary are writing journal entries and sharing photos of all the fun and adventures I get up to while with their class.

I hope you enjoy reading them!

G'day everyone, I'm Teddy Bourne and I am both a student of Swanbourne Primary School and an enlisted member of the Australian Army.  I have been an important part of the school community for many years.

When I am not in class with the students, or on deployment with the ADF, I hang out with Mrs Kemp, the Defence School Mentor, in our friendship room.

My favourite time of the day is when kids come and visit us at lunch and recess to play games, do craft activities or just for a chat. I love a cuddle too, I am a teddy bear after all!

I really love to visit the students in their classrooms. It’s great to see what everyone is up too. Whenever there is a special event or excursion, I join in. 

Every now and again I get to go home with one of the kids for the weekend. I have had some of my best adventures on these weekends.

29th June 2018 - My week with the Year 2

Swanbourne Primary School
Narla Road, Swanbourne WA 6010
(08) 9253 5300

Copyright 2018 Swanbourne Primary School