Committees &

Class Room Representatives

Each class has a parent (or two) who volunteers to be the Class Representative. We encourage the Class Rep to help organize a couple of social events with class parents e.g. Morning teas, dinners or drinks to help parents get to know each other. This is particularly important if new families come into the class. The Class representative is also a valuable resource for the classroom teacher and will give some assistance in coordinating for any major fundraising events during the year. This is a wonderful way to get involved in the school.

Fundraising & Social

An important role of the SPS P&C is the provision of additional resources to the school to enhance facilities or supplement educational programs. In addition to the annual P&C Levy, a significant portion of these funds come from fundraising events held throughout the year. The P&C Fundraising and Social sub-committee timetable and organise these events on behalf of the P&C. This committee strive to create enjoyable activities and events during the year to enable new and old families involved in the school to participate and raise funds for projects that will benefit the school in the short and long term.

Some examples of recent projects are as follows:

  • Edu-dance;
  • School hall sound system;
  • Various enhancements to school literacy, numeracy and STEM programs;
  • Year 6 Graduation Books;
  • Naturescape playgrounds in Kindy, Pre-primary area and another on the north western side of the oval; and
  • All weather structure between the school hall and Seahorse Block;

Some examples of fundraising and social events held are as follows:

  • Children Disco;
  • Run for Fun;
  • Welcome BBQ & movie night;
  • Election day BBQ and Cake Stall;
  • Art Bar;
  • Long Table dinner;
  • Summer Cool Down (End of year Fun-Day);
  • Teachers Thank You Lunch;
  • Quiz Night (although not previously held); and
  • Dress Up Days.

For the calendar of events to be held this year please click here or more detail on how you can help or get involved with our next fundraising or social event please email us.


The Swanbourne Primary School lunch provider is overseen by P&C. They aim to provide nutritious lunches and snacks at affordable prices.

Our school lunch orders are made daily in our West Perth kitchen using FRESH ingredients that are packed full of flavour and nutrients, perfect for growing bodies!

We've made ordering simple for you, just follow the below link and place your order before 8:30am.  

Locavora Schools – Lunch Orders for Schools


Swanbourne Primary School is a very active school with a huge passion for kids and sports!  The sport representative supports the PE Teacher in his /her function.  This includes faction carnivals, morning training, rosters for parents to assist where necessary as well as ensuring effective communication is achieved by working with the School.

Uniform Shop

Uniform shop is supported through Swanbourne Primary School P&C and is ordered through Tudor School Uniforms

Year 6 Coordinator

Responsible for coordinating the events and memories for our year 6 graduates. These include coordinating the Graduation Night and Year Book. Throughout the year we will also be hosting guest speakers to provide inspiration and life lessons to better prepare our kids for middle school. Our school community can support the year 6's by attending these graduation celebrations, especially the graduation day during the last week of school. 

Environment Committee

Works with the school to reduce the school’s waste footprint by coordinating the recycling program, organising the classroom vegetable gardens, planting and maintaining the fruit trees at the front of the school and organising more trees for shade. The Environment and Grounds Sub-Committees also assist on the coordination of projects to be undertaken during each of the quarterly school busy bees.

Grounds Committee

Work with the School Principal to review the School grounds requirements in alignment with the School’s Strategic Plan.


The Communications Officer manages  SPS P&C website including:

  • ongoing management of content to ensure the site is current and up-to-date;
  • promotion of P&C activities online such as the disco, social events and fundraisers;
  • and newsletters to the School.  The coordinator oversees two areas, namely fundraising/social and sports communications.

Lost Property Coordinator

This position involves sorting the cupboards every 1-2 weeks. Items need to be separated into named and unnamed items.

Other Substantial Committees & Representatives

  • Educational Support
  • Music/Choir/Drama
  • Road Safe
  • School Board Representative

Swanbourne Primary School P&C looks forward continually meet new faces with new ideas and energies to continue our efforts to support our School and community.

If you want to ask further about P&C please contact us.

Swanbourne Primary School
Narla Road, Swanbourne WA 6010
(08) 9253 5300

Copyright 2018 Swanbourne Primary School