
P&C President - Mrs Lauren Pavlich

The President ensures an efficient and well run P&C by

  • establishing good relationships with members, being respectful of everyone's rights and responsibilities
  • developing a vision of where the P&C is heading and what strategies will be implemented to facilitate its success
  • developing a collaborative relationship with the school principal, deputy principal and teaching staff
  • planning meetings and following up on actions from previous meetings in conjunction/ consultation with the executive team
  • embracing the principles of impartiality, tact, respect, inclusiveness and common sense.

The President's duties include:

  • convening meetings, ensuring that they run in accordance with the agenda and constitution
  • ensuring fair discussion by providing everyone with the opportunity to contribute
  • liaising with the principal, and ensuring activities are sanctioned
  • working with the Treasurer to ensure financial accountability
  • ensuring that the school community is kept informed of activities and developments
  • coordinating P&C items for the school newsletter, and ensuring information is accurate and complete
  • seeking sponsorship for P&C events such as the Quiz Night, Croc Rock and other projects
  • being the public 'face' of the P&C.

P&C Vice President - Ms Joy Gilmour

The Vice-President supports the President by

  • chairing meetings in his/ her absence
  • sharing duties and responsibilities as agreed (outlined above)
  • being supportive and attending meetings.

P&C Secretary - Mrs Kerry Mahoney

The Secretary's role is essential to the effective and efficient operation of the P&C by supporting the President and being responsible for communication and correspondence, and maintaining effective records.

The Secretary's responsibilities include preparing in anticipation of meetings through

  • notifying members of dates for meetings; preparing and distributing agendas; obtaining reports from sub-committees, receiving and managing correspondence and noting apologies
  • taking minutes of meetings and distributing them promptly
  • updating membership register after each general meeting
  • clearing mail and keeping the President informed on al issues
  • ensuring close communication and cooperation between the parent association, office staff, school staff and parents
  • monitoring the P&C email account and referring enquiries as required.

P&C Treasurer - Mr Tom House

The Treasurer is accountable for, and reports on, the finances of the P&C. The Treasurer is responsible for:

  • keeping accurate financial records of all receipts and expenditures
  • issuing receipts for all monies received, and paying accounts as authorised
  • banking all money regularly
  • presenting a financial report at each general meeting
  • arranging an externally audited financial report for the Annual General Meeting (AGM)
  • reconciling deposits and cheque books with monthly bank statements.

Fundraising Coordinator - Vacant

The Fundraising Coordinator assists the P&C Committee in coordinating fundraising activities at Swanbourne Primary School. Their duties include:

  • maintaining and publicising the events calendar
  • coordinating volunteers to assist deliver of activities
  • providing leadership to event coordinators
  • discussing fundraising options and opportunities at P&C general meetings
  • presenting budgetary requirements for events requiring financial outlay for P&C committee approval
  • providing the President with relevant information for the school newsletter, web site and annual report.

Uniform Liaison Officer - Mrs Karina Bolton

The Uniform Liaison Officer is responsible for:

  • Second hand uniform sales

School Board Representative - Mrs Lauren Pavlich

P&C School Board Representatives attend School Board meetings and participate in

  • determining the objectives, priorities and general policy directions of the school
  • establishing the curriculum priorities and objectives, shape of the school curriculum and the plans for its delivery
  • developing school development plans incorporating frameworks, priority areas, time lines and evaluation/ review
  • controlling the use of school facilities outside school hours
  • providing feedback to the P&C on the above

General Committee Members

P&C membership is open to all parents of pupils who attend the school, and to any citizens within the school community. The P&C maintains a register of members (i.e. any person who has paid the annual $1 subscription is automatically a member of the association). Parents are able to attend meetings without having to become a member, however if they choose not to become a member they do not have an entitlement to vote. In the spirit of building community and remembering that the children's needs are front and centre of all P&C initiatives, parents are reminded that the P&C is run in the best interests of our students and not for individual benefit.

Swanbourne Primary School
Narla Road, Swanbourne WA 6010
(08) 9253 5300

Copyright 2018 Swanbourne Primary School