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The eSafety Commissioner (eSafety) is an independent statutory office supported by the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA). eSafety Commissioner has a comprehensive guide for parents which covers issues such as cyberbullying and unwanted contact; protecting personal information and sexting/inappropriate contact. The website is divided into separate sections designed for young children, kids, teens and parents, with age appropriate activities and tips. It is worth the time checking this site out.

Parents | eSafety Commissioner

Kids | eSafety Commissioner

Protect Your Children

Online safety | eSafety Commissioner

Protecting your children from harm is just as important online as it is in the real world. As a parent or carer, you can play an important role in helping children have safe and positive experiences online.

Swanbourne Primary School
Narla Road, Swanbourne WA 6010
(08) 9253 5300

Copyright 2018 Swanbourne Primary School